Looking for Used Robots for Sale?

Flexible robotic automation system consists of one or more control lines surrounded by a coat the center of the retention layer, which contains at least one wire each wire has a core element of a pair of line tension plastic that central element, metal wire core elements, of which a pair of wire diameter D, an insulating sheath stranded metal compressible wire floor, where the wire on the wire with a length another stranded material layers, and that the central by the plastic jacket sleeve which is known to Phoenix control system. The core content of the claim is a flexible electric control cable in which the pair was a mass stranding of the two material filling. Phoenix control system also has used robots for sales which are amazing. Distorted interstitial filler which is flexible electrical control cable for robotic automation system as flexible electric control cable according to claim, in which a polyester fabric wrapped a pair of wires between the plastic jacket and arrangements...